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Guest Blog by ECU-R: Analysing F-SAE Aerodynamic Flow Fields Using CFD

Guest blog by ECU-Racing on how the team uses CFD simulation to drive aerodynamic design improvements, explaining how CFD simulation results provide help identify problematic aspects such as flow separation, undesirable flow structures, and poor use of flow energy which can then lead to new ideas which can be tested in CFD to improve the overall flow around the car.

Helping EO/IR Sensors to accurately detect & track hypersonic vehicles

Learn how recent developments in Ansys provide a new “optical CFD” workflow to help more accurately simulate the complex interactions between the flowfield and electromagnetic fields in the Electro-Optics / Infra-Red (EO/IR) range. This helps engineers to improve their simulations of flow field phenomena around fast-moving vehicles and improve the performance of EOIR sensor signals for tracking hypersonic vehicles.

Finding the sweet spot with GPU vs CPU hardware for faster processing in Rocky DEM

Engineers running particle simulations now not only demand faster solution times but also want to increase the fidelity of their DEM simulations using millions more particles. Fortunately, advances in GPU capabilities have meant that Rocky DEM customers can take advantage dedicated GPU-based solvers - but what is the hardware sweet spot for different problem sizes? Here we review a comprehensive set of benchmarks completed by the Rocky DEM developers comparing solve times on CPUs vs GPUs.

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